Guard the Gates: Ear Gates

Hey all! This is the second installment of Guard the Gates. Last time I wrote about the eye gates and how what we set our vision on is what we are filled with. We are now moving on from the eye gates to the ear gates. I truly hope that this will be a blessing to someone. Alright, lets go!

Just as it is important to guard our eyes from ungodly things, it is just as important to guard our ears.

Have you or anyone that you know ever been exposed to verbal abuse? The long term effects of prolonged verbal abuse have proven to be detrimental to both the survivor’s physical and psychological health. Some of these problems include but are not limited to: fear and anxiety, depression, memory gap disorder, anger issues, stress related heart conditions and migraines ( Effects of Verbal Abuse on Children, Women and Men by Kellie Holly).
Another major negative effect that the survivor would experience is low self esteem as a result of hearing, learning and experiencing these harsh, hurtful, condescending and just plain disrespectful comments and actions from the one who claims to love them. These words replay in their mind and they start to believe that they are not worthy of any love or affection. They start to believe the lies of the abuser. How is it that words can do so much damage? The reason is words have power.

It is written in Proverbs 18:21 (WMB) that “Death and life are in the power of the tongue; those who love it will eat its fruit.” (I believe that this is a verse that affects both the speaker and hearer of the words that are spoken. As for right now, we will focus on the ears.) Proverbs 12:18 states “There is one who speaks rashly like the piercing of a sword, but the tongue of the wise heals”. The scriptures show that words are not empty or powerless. Words have weight and the power to build up or tear down people. Words have the power to destroy and they have the power to heal. These words do not stay in the air floating in space, but they make their way to the depths of a person.

Just as a person in the natural realm uses these lies to cut another down, the enemy also uses lies to try and separate us from Christ Jesus, Yeshua the Messiah, through shame and guilt. Satan is the father of lies (John 8:44). He is the accuser (Revelation 12:10) who comes to steal kill and to destroy (John 10:10). This is why we need to be grounded in what the Lord says because His Word is true!

**I understand that verbal abuse is an overt example as to how words affect people and can put one into a snare. I do not use this example lightly because I have been in this situation and know how disabling and hopeless it is to be in that environment.**

Now I would like to move in the direction of less obvious ways the enemy uses words to attack and desensitize us. Satan is very cunning when it comes to reshaping our thoughts and what we believe. He does this by personally attacking thoughts that we have about ourselves, others and God. He also does this by bringing false enlightenment and revelation. As mentioned in the last post, this world is steadily streaming information and ideas to us daily. And many times, this stream of information does not start out as big, obvious or gushing, but it is more of a trickle that gradually builds up and later becomes a raging and roaring river. These seeds are planted and patiently tended to over a course of time (weeks, months, years) until it is firmly planted. Before we know it, many have bought into the lie and wickedness that goes against God.

If you don’t believe me, listen to the words that are now on television. There is much more cussing than before. The b- word, s- word, and yes, even the giant f-bomb has made a debut on prime time television (and I am not talking HBO or Showtime!). We are now in a time where it has been so acceptable to curse or say bad words, that adult men and women are no longer refraining from using crude language in public; even when children are present.

What about the music? Sexual immorality, violence, and drugs are up and through the air waves. When people don’t even bat an eye when their child is singing lyrics that glorify one night stands or having side chicks, side dudes, popping pills or this that and the other, then you know we are in evil times. People are hearing about these subjects so often that they are getting the idea that it is just a harmless everyday activity. People are desensitized to it all.

What about when there is a disagreement and people are tearing one another down? Are our ears hungry for the malicious words that are flying about? Are we our selves taking in the juicy scandal of it all and then going about our day as though something amazing just happened? Or are we unaware of the consequences of encouraging gossip and slanderous speech?

Many forms of evil have become socially acceptable. People are not only tolerating wickedness, but they have set up a room for it to live in their very homes! The Word of the Lord calls us to flee from evil. Not just flee from evil itself but abstain from anything that appears to be evil (1 Thessalonians 5:14-22). But how can one even flee from evil if their ears and thinking have been so pumped full of lies and deception from the enemy that they are now deaf to Godly reason? Things that people once knew were wicked are now being questioned and reevaluated. People are confused about what is considered wicked and what is righteous. People are so deep into what the world and the god of this world is saying that they have been convinced to let go of what is right. They are now are calling things that are evil “good” and things that are good “evil”( Isaiah 5:20). People are shouting “Love Wins” when the truth is that Love actually exposes, corrects and lead us to repentance and away from sin; not hide it under a different name.

This is why we must take care to reject evil ideas, deceptive words and false teachings. These things lead us away from our Father. These things, which are sinful, are what separate us from the True Living God if we allow them. Friends, please hear me, if we knowing what is good and righteous but continually choose to do evil in the sight of the Lord, we will be in danger of having a reprobate mind and having our conscious seared (Titus 1:16, Romans 1:18-28). I am not talking about people who truly desire the Lord but are struggling to break what they are in bondage to. I am speaking of those who know what is right but continue to willfully do that which opposes the Lord and are unrepentant.

Right now, let us all repent to the Lord and follow closer to Him. The ways of this world are blinding and deceitful and it works to separate us from our Savior. Jesus came and died for us so that we can accept the everlasting life that He has given and to walk with Him in all of His ways. The Lord corrects those that He loves. He does not desire that we continue to be deaf to His voice, but He desires that we will hear, listen and yield to His voice so that we may be with Him. His ways and instructions lead to life and freedom, both in the natural and spiritual. I pray that the Lord God Almighty will give us discernment so that we can live in His ways and not be entangled to the bondage of this world. Thank You Holy Spirit for Your guidance, wisdom and encouragement. Thank You, Lord, for ordering our steps and adjusting our ears so that we can hear You. And for anyone who does not know You Lord but does want to have You in their life, I pray right now that You touch them and as they invite You into their heart, You will do a new thing in them. All of this I pray in Jesus the Messiah’s name, Amen.


  1. This is right on time! Thank you for putting light out here for all to see. I pray that God continues to bless you and this blog/site so that it continues to prosper and be a blessing to others.


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